Clients are required to take the questionnaire at intake and then once or twice throughout the course of treatment. Lucy took the questionnaire at intake and then again three months later. Figure X shown her scores from both times and demonstrated a decrease in Lucy’s overall symptoms from 2.2 to 1.9. Given the focus on treatment was on relationships up to the second administration of the BASIS-24, the subscale, Interpersonal Relationship, shown the most improvement from 2.8 down to 1.7. Sample questions for this subscale reflects how well Lucy feel she got along with people in her family or in social situation, had someone to turn to if needed help, and feel close to someone during the past week. The subscale with the least changes was the emotional lability that remains the same over the course of three months at 2.6. The emotional lability questions are connected to Lucy’s PTSD and for changes to occur, we will need to address her relational difficulties at the source by examining her hidden feelings and connection to past figure (Malan & Della Selva,
Clients are required to take the questionnaire at intake and then once or twice throughout the course of treatment. Lucy took the questionnaire at intake and then again three months later. Figure X shown her scores from both times and demonstrated a decrease in Lucy’s overall symptoms from 2.2 to 1.9. Given the focus on treatment was on relationships up to the second administration of the BASIS-24, the subscale, Interpersonal Relationship, shown the most improvement from 2.8 down to 1.7. Sample questions for this subscale reflects how well Lucy feel she got along with people in her family or in social situation, had someone to turn to if needed help, and feel close to someone during the past week. The subscale with the least changes was the emotional lability that remains the same over the course of three months at 2.6. The emotional lability questions are connected to Lucy’s PTSD and for changes to occur, we will need to address her relational difficulties at the source by examining her hidden feelings and connection to past figure (Malan & Della Selva,