In the Netherlands, Pitbulls were banned because of their bad reputation in the Netherlands itself and other states around that were untrusting of the dog breed. Pitbulls and breeds similar were banned because …show more content…
BSL raises your insurance rates. “Insurance company may be less than thrilled to take on the liability of covering any injury claims your pet may be involved in. Any dog can bite if it is threatened or scared, but some breeds such as pit bulls are naturally more aggressive than others. Many insurance companies will insure homeowners with pit bulls at least until the dog is involved in an injury claim.” Why do insurance companies immediately put risk and liability together at the mention of a “blacklisted” …show more content…
Any dog can bite no matter what breed it is, the risk of getting bit is only lowered when a dog is properly trained and comes from a good environment. So why have a ban on the breeds of dogs that were trained to fight, it’s not the dogs fault. On multiple occasions dog whisperer Cesar Millan says “People are the problem.” which is what I believe a dog can’t abuse or train itself but the person that own the dog can. We should have more programs where allow owners no matter what kind of do they have can learn to train a dog, wich will definitely help lower risks of getting bit. “Blacklisted” dogs should have a chance to live as a normal dog