Ryan Cherry
BUSI 690 – Policy and Strategy in Global Competition
January 18, 2015
How can a person become a successful leader by being humble? There are numerous traits which are foundational for many modern leaders. These traits or values include, but are certainly not limited to: “integrity, good judgment, leadership by example, trust, justice/fairness, humility, and sense of urgency” (Ahn, Ettner, and Loupin, 2012, p. 115). Ahn, Ettner, and Loupin (2012) define humility as the absence, or minimal amount, of arrogance and ego, with the “capacity to listen carefully” (p. 116). From a more Biblical perspective, Gill (2013) views the first Beatitude, “Blessed are the poor in spirit”, as the epitome of the …show more content…
definition of humility (p. 623).
Gill (2013) states that a sense of receptiveness and an absence of arrogance are necessary to receive the blessings which God seeks to bestow on His people. Gill (2013) further supports this view by discussing how successful leaders have attitudes which lead them to be humble and teachable. A leader who is arrogant tends to continue to operate in a fashion that maintains the status quo, rather than being receptive to new ideas which allow for the expansion and improvement of operations (Gill, 2013).
Why is it an important leadership trait to serve others first? Although modern, worldly views of leaders tend to cast “larger-than-life” leaders as successful, it is the unnoticed servant leader that is able to pass the tests of time and reality in the business world (Udani and Lorenzo-Molo, 2012, p.
377). The narcissistic and arrogant leader may gain a nearly cult-like following during his or her time in power, but it is the unpretentious, modest, shy, and humble leader that will have true staying power (Udani and Lorenzo-Molo, 2012). The concept of a “servant leader”, putting others first, seems to be central to customer-centricity and the goals of corporate social responsibility (Udani and Lorenzo-Molo, 2012, p. …show more content…
374). Leading by example as a humble leader will help to establish the organizational values of the organization. These values will act as the “ethical standards and norms that govern the behavior of individuals within” the organization (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 38). An organization which makes humility a core organizational value will see itself going from “good to great”, and gain strength from its “receptivity and [] willingness to learn from others” (Gill, 2013, p. 623).
What is the importance of relying on Jesus’ will and ways as it relates to leadership?
Jesus represents the purest embodiment of the servant leader concept, and His ways provide the perfect template for modern leaders to follow (Udani and Lorenzo-Molo, 2012).
It is these types of leaders which truly stand the test of time and continue to be relevant today (Udani and Lorenzo-Molo, 2012). Chapter five of First Peter, verses two to four, drives this home even further by providing that the successful shepherd is an example to his flock, and does not lead in arrogance or dishonesty (NKJV). As mentioned above, this ability to lead by example is one of the essential traits of a successful leader (Ahn, Ettner, and Loupin,
Ahn, M. J., Ettner, L. W., & Loupin, A. (2012). Values v. traits-based approaches to leadership: Insights from an analysis of the Aeneid. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 33(2), 112-130. Retreived from http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/01437731211203447
Gill, D. W. (2013). Eight traits of an ethically healthy culture: Insights from the Beatitudes. Journal of Markets & Morality, 16(2), 615-633.
Rothaermel, F. T. (2013). Strategic Management. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Udani, Z. A. S., & Lorenzo-Molo, C. F. (2013). When servant becomes leader: The Corazon C. Aquino success story as a beacon for business leaders. Journal of Business Ethics, 116(2), 373-391. Retreived from http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10551-012-1449-5