The title of my book is Babe Ruth: One of Baseball’s Greatest. The book was all about Babe ruth’s life before baseball and how he acted. It was also about how amazing Babe Ruth was at a baseball. Babe Ruth was ultimately one of the best baseball players ever, but his home life wasn’t as glorified as his baseball life.
George Herman “Babe” Ruth Jr was born February 6, 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland. George's parents, George Herman Ruth Sr and Katherine Ruth owned a small diner, that didn’t make a lot of money. George also had a little sister named mamie. George’s mother was sick at the time and couldn’t help manage the diner, so Mr. ruth had to run it alone leaving George to take himself to school. George never went to school because why should he go if his parents …show more content…
George was one of the best players on the team, his pitching a nd catching was like that of a pro. Which he later became. The school would also play games with other schools, which is where he got his nickname. George was getting ready to play and the other players saw him, “ There’s One of Mathias’ babes,” (Van Riper ). From that point on everyone started to call him Babe Ruth The king of swing, for his amazing batting skills. After Babe Ruth Grauated. He went on to play for the little leaugues, where he became the focus. Soon he was off to the major leagues playing for the Yankees. These are just some of the amazing things Babe Ruth has done.
In conclusion Babe Ruth really was the best baseball players of all time and now we know how he got to being the greatest. There’s so much more that he did, but this essay would be too long then. George “Babe” Herman Ruth Jr. was a great player who died a glorified idol.
Long live Babe Ruth,The King of