As we age, changes back - the spine to age. At the doctor will call signs of aging for degenerative changes. Such changes can be seen, among other things, on radiographs.
With age, the joints will often gradually thinner cartilage. It called for cartilage wear or osteoarthritis, the x-ray called it usually intervertebralledsartros. The bone in the joints edges becomes stronger and the formation of "pimples". Even vertebral edges are over the years rougher and bumpier, known as spondylosis. The holes between the vertebrae which nerves pass through may become narrower due to bone becomes knotigare. Even counters aging, they can then become thinner and sag, so-called disc degeneration. Even herniated disc is a form of degenerative changes and …show more content…
Osteoporosis can lead to vertebrae pressed together, known as compression fractures. It can cause severe pain which is likely to decrease over time. Such vertebral compression fractures occur mostly in elderly persons.
Spinal stenosis. This disease means that the channel of the spinal cord become narrower and you get a pressure to nerve tissue. Typical symptoms are pain in the buttocks, thighs or calves when walking, running or climbing stairs. The cause is usually age-related changes around the vertebrae. The symptoms usually occur after the age of 65.
Spondylolysis. Another change occasionally seen on x-ray is called spondylolisthesis. Spondylolisthesis implies the adoption of a piece of the benbågar surrounding the spinal canal.
Ankylosing spondylitis. This is a rheumatic disease that involves inflammation mainly in the tendons and joints, for example in the backbone. The disease often begins with a creeping pain in the lower back or buttocks. The disease is more common among men than women and often begins in the 15-30 years