ARCH 380_Sustainability in architecture
FFAD Izmir University of Economics
Leaving the 20st century far behind, people will soon have to realize that the era of cheap fossil fuel is ending. Developed countries, U.S.A. on the front page has all the data and scientific works about ‘Peak Oil’ proving the desperate situation of the world.[1] Basically, humankind should immediately stop producing and consuming oil following the curve( figure-1). Past hundred years of consuming the curve was going upwards; however the optimistic estimates show that latest in 2020, the earth will arise the top quantity of its source of oil and then the annual production curve is going to slope down; One year ago, in a report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy, Robert L. Hirsch challenged the notion that the free market can solve the onrushing emergency: "The world has never faced a problem like Peak Oil. Without massive mitigation more than a decade before the fact, the problem will be pervasive and will not be temporary. Previous energy transitions (wood to coal and coal to oil) were gradual and evolutionary; oil peaking will be abrupt and revolutionary." (Izquierdo)[2] Since this is the very optimistic time estimation, people need to be informed about all of the worst scenarios of living conditions that they will be able to able to provide for themselves and also their children. As the 21st century designers, we also have to get enough knowledge to take advantage of the wind, solar and tidal power instead of using oil and natural gas to produce electricity.
Architecture, as generally known to be the special name for techniques of building (making an arch in the exact definition) which takes many other art and science branches into consideration and collaborates with. In this context, it is surely possible to say that this