Tuberculosis is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease can affect the lungs and can cause other problems in some parts of the body such as the brain, the kidney, and the spine. In 2013 Tuberculosis killed 9 million people…
Mrs. Q. is a patient who has been diagnosed with an HIV infection for the past 5 years. During this time, she has been working as a receptionist at an insurance agency. Although HIV is a contagious disease, it cannot be contracted by touching someone, or by sitting next to them. Mrs. Q. has gotten a test done for tuberculin, and it has come back positive. Since this is a very contagious disease, she has chosen to share the results of this test with her office manager because of the risks that she could cause for the other co-workers or customers. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that affects mainly the lungs, but can still affect all areas of the body. If this disease, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, is left untreated, the results could lead to death. The vocational implications of Ms. Q results in a positive TB test can be treated, but can eventually affect her employment status.…
The colors and often crowded conditions in jails and prisons create an environment of increased risk for the spread of TB. The spread of TB is a special concern in corrections institutions because of the close living environment, which can facilitate the spread of the disease, and the interaction that has been identified between TB and HIV infection, which is also prevalent in many corrections institutions. For the protection of inmate’s jail and prison staff should take steps to test for and treat the disease, in accordance with current recommended standards of control and care. In Doe v. Delie, the court ruled that prisoners have a right to privacy in their HIV status, and prison officials should take appropriate steps to prevent the unnecessary disclosure of the prisoner’s condition. With respect to legal issues, the main concerns have been lawsuits brought alleging failures to take adequate steps to prevent the spread of the disease, thereby placing other inmates (and staff, for that matter) at increased…
43 million people were saved through TB diagnosis and treatment from 2000- 2014. Thus, treatment can cure patients from active TB or spreading it to others.…
This which led to the influence of our modern world. Unlike centuries ago where they don’t have the resources and technology like us, it was hard to cure and identify the types of diseases. Now that our modern days have it, it’s much easier to cure all types of disease whether it is deadly or not. Moreover nowadays we have more Medicine that is available for everyone now and technology that helps us create new ways of cure diseases. There are now major such as Medical & Technology for people who are interested in testing results of blood or bodily…
I was exposed with Tuberculosis in 2010 at my job by a patient, was the worse experienced ever. Being on 3 types of antibiotics for 9 months straight and lose of weight of 102 from 120 in one week. My appetite, energy dropped dramatically. In 2 two weeks been treated and taking the medication I realized that I was losing my hair and eye lashes and getting fungus on my toes. All this side affects where from the medications. The feeling on knowing that I was exposed by a patient, who was not educated and came from other country having tuberculosis without him knowing about it, was frustrating and ignorant. I can still remember the pain and agony. As of now, I am still dealing to get my health and had developed other health problems, like depression, anxiety and insomnia. Tuberculosis has changed my life for ever. I thank god for giving me the strength and positive attitude of knowing that everything is ok and it will be fine that, I am lucky and fortunate and that is cure and help for and anyone.…
The challenge of controlling TB in its traditional and new multidrug-resistant forms requires public health agencies at the federal, tribal, state, and local levels to develop and apply new tools. Among these tools is the use of law in support of efforts to effectively control cases of TB. In May of 2005, the World Health Organization initiated for Vaccine Research. This research was arranged to develop into a meeting of regulators, investigators, and clinicians from different countries that are in the process of developing or countries that have already been developed. Their main cause was to initiate tuberculosis vaccine regulation and research. The discussion that was made in this assembly was of the regulatory challenges for testing and introducing investigative TB vaccines into country where the disease is widespread.…
(2010). Tackling tuberculosis in london 's homeless population. The Lancet, 376(9758), 2055-6. Retrieved from…
References: Center for Diseases Control and Prevention. Basic TB facts (2012). Retrieved on July 27, 2014…
References: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2009). The Centers for Law The Public Health. Retrieved from HYPERLINK http// http// Cobbelens, F. (2012). Research on Implementation of Interventions in Tuberculosis Control in Low- and Middle-Income Countries A Systematic Review . Retrieved from HYPERLINK http// http// World Health Organization. (2014). Tuberculosis in Prisons. Retrieved from HYPERLINK http// http// Communicable Disease Paper Tuberculosis PAGE MERGEFORMAT 1 Y, dXiJ(x(…
Considering illegal immigrants come to America undocumented, they are not here with sponsorship or have not passed the screening that legalized immigrants undergo. Medical screening is a necessity for any immigrant to be in America to protect Americans from foreign illness. In 2009 an article in the New England Journal of Medicine noted that about 50% of all new cases of tuberculosis in the United States in 2007 were diagnosed in immigrants. The TB infection rate of immigrants were ten times as high as that among native born, nonimmigrants. This article documents the medical testing process for Tuberculosis…
Before the 20th century, there was little hope of survival for patients diagnosed with tuberculosis. The disease was considered impossible to fight and the only course of remedy was staying healthy by managing a healthy diet and getting plenty of rest (Goldberg et al., 2012). In 1921, advancements in scientific research led to the development of the first vaccine, known as Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) (Lienhardt et al., 2012). The discovery of streptomycin (SM) along with paraaminosalicylic acid (PAS) led to a major breakthrough in tuberculosis control known as combination therapy (Goldberg et al., 2012). By combining the medicinal affects of both drugs, tuberculosis finally had an effective method of recovery. Isoniazid was added to the multi-therapy approach after it was discovered in 1951 and together the three drugs cured infected patients within 18-24 months (Lienhardt et al., 2012). Over the years this therapy was altered with the addition and deletion of various drugs and ultimately became the cardinal method of TB control (Goldberg et al., 2012). PAS was replaced with ethambutol in the 1960s, rifampicin was added in the 1970s, and streptomycin was substituted by pyrazinamide in the 1980s (Lienhardt et al., 2012). Today this serious infection is treated with a method known as DOTS- directly observed therapy short course (Weltman et al., 2012). “DOTS includes finding as many highly infected patients with TB as possible, initiating effective treatment, directly observing drug ingestion to ensure adherence, and standardized monitoring, evaluation, and reporting” (Weltman et al., 2012). The drugs utilized in tuberculosis control have brought researchers and doctors closer to diminishing the deaths caused by this endemic.…
Infectious diseases have the potential to be easily transmitted within prisons due to close contact between inmates. Tuberculosis (TB) has been and currently still is one of the most threatening infectious diseases worldwide. This can be seen through the numbers, which categorize it as one of the largest causes of morbidity and mortality. Over the years it has become evident that prisons have become breeding grounds for diseases such as this. Around the world TB prevalence among prisoners is substantially higher than that of national populations. Prisons largely account for a proportion of the TB problem in the United States. However, it should be noted that TB in prisons poses a major problem in the rest of the world as well, specifically…
One of a series of reports on tobacco taxation funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies and the…
The first and most important level of control is the use of administrative controls to…