“No! No! No! Not by the hairs on my skinny chinny chin chin,” said pig in house number 3607.
“Fine. Then I will huff and puff and blow your food away,” the cackling, evil Wolf said.
The Wolf and his fellow Wolfies would angrily leave, stomping their feet towards the barren dirt road, creating dust showers in the air and journeying towards the forest. Gathering as much sturdy wood as they could, the Wolf and his Wolfies returned to house 3607 and began unfolding their evil plan. One by one they barricaded the door and windows with wood, as to not let anyone or anything out or in the house. “No! Someone help me,” squealed the pig.
However, none of the other pigs came to the help of pig 3607 and the Wolf could not be stopped.
The next day at 6 p.m., the Wolf went down to the bottom of the hill and decided to go to house number