Science Fair Research Paper
The science project to be researched and experimented is whether bacteria can become resistant to antibacterial soaps. Bacteria will be grown in an agar broth containing .01%, .1%, .5% and 10% antibacterial soap. To fully understand the subject, information on everything necessary to conduct this experiment and comprehend the results was researched. Once the experiment is completed a conclusion will be able to be made as to whether or not bacteria can become resistant to antibacterial soaps The procedure for the experiment is as follows. Ecoli bacteria will be grown in agar broth with .01%, .1%, .5% and 10% concentrations of liquid antibacterial hand soap in test tubes. The agar broth is a nutrient enriched substance that allows the growth of microorganism colonies. Putting a single bacterium in an agar broth will allow it to reproduce and eventually create a full colony of such bacteria. This is because of the asexual reproduction of bacteria and the nutrient enriched conditions that allow bacteria growth and reproduction. The reason ecoli bacteria are being used in this experiment is because of its harmlessness. Ecoli, scientifically named escherichia coli, is grown in the lower intestine of most warm-blooded animals such as humans. It helps provide vitamin K to the body and prevents the growth of other potentially dangerous bacteria. The ecoli bacteria were discovered by a German pediatrician named Theodor Escherich in 1885. To grow the bacteria in the agar broth the only thing needed is for a small amount of the ecoli bacteria to be poured into the agar (after all even just one single microorganism can reproduce into a full colony). Once the bacterium is grown to its full potential the broths will be swabbed into Petri dishes with agar in them. The Petri dishes will be given time for the bacteria to grow. If the bacteria grows in any of the dishes it will be swabbed and placed into a new
Cited: "Bacteria." RCN | Digital Cable TV, High-Speed Internet Service & Phone in Boston, Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and the Lehigh Valley.. 8 Feb. 2009 . "CCDB: Info." Wishart Research Group. 8 Feb. 2009 . "Growth and Culturing of Bacteria." Ohio State Mansfield. 8 Feb. 2009 . "HowStuffWorks "Is antibacterial soap any better than regular soap?"." Howstuffworks "Health Channel". 8 Feb. 2009 . "Reproduction - Concept, How it works, Asexual reproduction, Sexual reproduction, Real-life applications, Examples of asexual reproduction, Vegetative propagation." Science Clarified. 8 Feb. 2009 . "Symbiosis." Starship Millennium Voyage. 8 Feb. 2009 . "Triclosan How it Works." Ciba. 8 Feb. 2009 . internationally, the late entertainer Danny Thomas. The hospital is an. "Antibacterial Products May Worsen Problem of Resistant Bacteria." KidSource OnLine Welcome Page. 29 Mar. 2009