Bacterial Vaginosis is not dangerous, but it can cause disturbing symptoms. Any woman with an unusual discharge should be evaluated so that more serious infections such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, can be excluded from their diagnosis. Symptoms are also similar to that of vaginal yeast infections and trichomoniasis.
A combination of multiple bacteria must be present together for the problem to develop. Bacterial vaginosis typically features a reduction in the number of the normal hydrogen peroxide-producing lactobacilli in the vagina. All together, there is an increase in concentration of other types of bacteria, especially anaerobic bacteria (bacteria that grow in the absence of oxygen). As a result, the diagnosis and treatment are not as simple as identifying and eradicating a single type of bacteria. Some increasing of Bacterial Vaginosis are: multiple or new sexual partners, intrauterine devices for contraception, recent antibiotic use, vaginal douching, and cigarette smoking.
Examining the vaginal discharge under the microscope can help distinguish bacterial vaginosis from yeast vagiitis (vaginal yeast infection, Candidiasis) and trichomonaisis (a type of sexually-transmitted infection). A sign of bacterial vaginosis