Add 20-30 minutes of cardio to your warm-up and stretch routine. Circle the activity that you will do.…
Mix and Match your Strength Training. If you've been doing the same old routine for awhile, try mixing things up by using different types…
should be stretching the muscles they will be working on before the start of workouts. To improve endurance further, athletes…
The distance known as the mile draws all types of runners to its doorstep. It sits at the convergence of speed and endurance. Runners who compete in 5Ks and 10Ks and beyond use it to step down and test their speed, runners who compete in 400m and 800m sprints use it to move up and test their toughness.…
These different strategies help muscle fibers, ligaments and tendons that may have been damaged through exercise, whilst also getting rid of waist products such as lactic acid from an athletes body. An example of physiological recovery strategy that should be implemented by a 1500m track athlete would be cool-down. Cool-down is very important as it gradually returns the body to its pre-event state, and can prevent micro tears from worsening, and blood pooling from happening. These three factors are the main causes of post-exercise muscle soreness, which can be a result of not cooling down after performing. Cool-down is a great example, illustrating the importance of physiological recovery strategies.…
Lift weights for dozens of repetitions, run for miles, row a kayak or carry a small child through the stores…
Cardiovascular endurance is another component that needs to be used to complete the aquathon as your body does not tire as quick when you have a large lung capacity and good heart rate. After running 2.5 kilometres and swimming 250 meters the average person would be quite tired/exhausted, but with the correct fitness exercises to work on cardiovascular endurance it would get easier and easier to run such an event. The reason your cardio performance can be improved is because the heart is a muscle, and like all other muscles in the body if you keep working it it will adapt to the workload given. This allows us to have direct control of how healthy one of the most important systems in our body is.…
There are so many different events starting with sprinting and mid-distances is the 100, 200, and 400. for the long distances there is the…
Exercise or training regularly over an extended period of time (3 times per week for 6-8 weeks) leads to the development of long-term or chronic adaptations to training. Evidence of these adaptations can occur at various stages…
Amount and intensity of training refers to the volume of training an athlete is completing and at what level of competition they are pushing themselves too continuously. Errors in considering amount and intensity of training have the propensity to affect the athlete’s core performance and damage results. Some common errors by coaches may include failing to taper for competitions or failure to implement long term programs directed at meeting long term goals. To avoid the overtraining complications coaches must avoid workouts that are too long and too frequent in volume, too strenuous in intensity and giving athlete’s inadequate recovery times between workouts. For example professional sports teams usually don’t train at full intensity the day before competition. Common training would be walking through tactical plans or basic skills practice. This refreshes the athlete and allows them to be totally focused and energised towards the coming competition. Furthermore, by implementing a long term training program prior to the commencement of…
* Archer, Shirley. "STRENGTH TRAINING UPDATE." American Fitness 20.4 (2002): 50. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 12 Apr. 2011.…
Weight training is not just for athletes. It is true that athletes who wish to jump farther, run faster, swim longer or climb farther can accomplish these goals with the help of weight training. It is important to remember, however, that people of all ages, shapes and sizes can benefit from weight training. Adolescents wanting to maintain the strength and endurance that their youth has provided them can do so with weight training. Adults trying to manage or reduce…
Lifting weights offers the outcome of efficient technique, the progression of speed and the maturing competitive attitude on a sound basis of general endurance, all round strength and general mobility. The development of all round strength is best achieved via circuit training and then progressing this through weight training. A muscle will only strengthen when forced to operate beyond its customary intensity (overload). Overload can be progressed by increasing the resistance by adding more weight, the number of repetitions with a particular weight and the number of sets of the exercise for that muscle. All exercise's must be specific to the type of strength required and is therefore related to the particular demands of the event. Lifting weights should be identified until you are satisfied with the desired development. Maintaining is also a major factor in order to keep the muscle that you achieved by keeping up with your training. Depending on the goals you desire for lifting weights, the average times you want to do this training is about 3-5 times a week. DO NOT over train any muscles and lift what you are not capable of doing in which you may cause injury to yourself. Never train the same muscle the next day! Recovery time is needed at least 3 days in order to being training that muscle again. Follow these steps and also eating a good healthy diet will achieve your goals in this type of training.…
In order to keep your body in physical shape, most athletes lift weights and properly…