Use of Color
Generally, the website for Baderman Island relies on key colors to convey a certain mood. These colors are blue, green, purple and brown set against the dark gray side banner. These varying tones and hues of these colors provoke a sense of royalty, freedom, luxury, and serenity. Although these colors are shown throughout parts of the website, there is some inconsistency in the use of colors some opportunity for improvement. On the other hand, certain pages on the site use colors sensibly and appropriately to communicate all that Baderman Island has to offer. …show more content…
Some of the photos tend to be distracting and do not show a quality representation of Baderman Island. In addition, some of the collages of images do not transition well from one to another. For example, the banner on the Visitor Island page seems to be lacking something. Although this is a nice photo of the couple, the background with the dark lines is distracting. Given the luxurious nature of the island, the designer could have used a simpler, more elegant background. Another example is the banner on the transportation page. In this case, the three photos meshed together are distracting and busy, making it too difficult to the eye to focus on what is going