2. a. Hypocalcemia decreases the concentration of calcium outside of cell which increases the cells excitability and lowers the threshold potential. b. Hypercalcemia increases the concentration of calcium outside of the cell wich lowers the cells excitability and raises the threshold potential.
3. a. Bado’s muscle aches from hypocalcemia is due to the hyper stimulation of muscles. …show more content…
Bado’s tingling fingers is caused by the increase of activity from the sensory neurons which causes a sensory overload.
4. a. Hyperkalemia affects the skeletal muscles by increasing the cells excitability because there is an increase in concentration of potassium outside of the cell which raises RMP. b. Hypokalemia affects the skeletal muscles by decreasing the cells excitability because there is a decrease in concentration of potassium outside of the cell which lowers RMP and makes the concentration gradient greater. c. Hypercalcemia affects the skeletal muscles because it increases the concentration of calcium outside of the cell which raises the threshold potential and lowers the cells excitability. d. Hypocalcemia affects the skeletal muscles because it decreases the concentration of calcium outside the cell which lowers the threshold potential and increases the cells excitability.
5. The administration of calcium would raise the threshold potential as the hyperkalemia raised the resting membrane potential, which would maintain the normal level of cell excitability.
6. The administration of curare would help Bado by relaxing the muscles which will lower the cells