Liberty University
Marriage can be a rewarding, blissful and fulfilling part of life. But, it can also be difficult, challenging and strained when ministry is incorporated if not properly balanced. When God calls a person to the ministry, He calls them to minister to His people without respect to gender. He invented both marriage and ministry and He knows that they are able to co-exist. The problem is people not incorporating His divine plan, not relying on His leading and not having balance. As women, many perceive the balancing of marriage and ministry to be an expected duty that should always succeed. Its failure or success is solely viewed as the woman’s responsibility and should failure occur, it is perceived that the reason is because the woman was out of place. Women, in particular, are expected to maintain overwhelming responsibilities and often, forced to choose between being a homemaker or God’s chosen minister. Many married women in ministry are labeled as someone who has forsaken her God-given duty to stay home, raise a family and tend to her husband’s every desire. They are viewed as being too aggressive when they are in ministry or leadership roles and are even branded as a woman who contradicts biblical teaching. There are several conflicting perceptions and understandings about women in ministry, particular married ones. Yet, God calls married women to feed His people with His love and His Word. Ministry and marriage hold great challenges but, they can be successfully productive and flourishing with the right ingredients. They both require much prayer, prioritizing and a unified mission to fulfill God’s calling. And it requires balancing and blending of both roles.
God has called many women to fulfill His will through ministry. Although, there are many challenges, there are many rewards for bidding His will. Yet, married
References: Doriani, D. (2003). Women and Ministry: What the Bible Teaches. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books. Doriani, D. (2003). Women in Ministry. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books. Dr. Jack W. Hayford, I. (1994). Biblical Ministries through Women: God 's Daughters and God 's Work. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. Elwell, W. A. (2001). Evangelical Dictionary of Theology-Second Edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academics. Floyd, J. (2010). 10 Things Every Minister 's Wife Need to Know. Green Forest, AR: New Leaf Press. Grenz, S. (1995). Women in the Church: A Biblical Theology of Women in Ministry. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity. Holmes, R. S. (2008). The Balancing Act: A Guide to maintaining a Healthy Marriage. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse. Markland, D. E. (2009). Women! Be Silent No More. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. Maxson, J. R. (2012). Singleness, Marriage and the Will of God:A Comprehensive Biblical Guide. Eugene.OR: Harvest House Publishers. Thompson, D. D. (2009). Twelve Biblical Steps to a Successful Marraige: A Simple Explanation of God 's Principles for Husbands and Wives. Nashville, TN: Xulon Press, a Division of Thomas Nelson.