5. Since the publication of Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring in 1962, what laws have been enacted that have helped bald eagles recover?…
The golden-cheeked warbler, native to central Texas, have been on the endangered list since May 4th, of 1990. These birds live in the Ashe juniper (cedar), oaks, as well as other hardwood trees found throughout this region. The golden cheeked warbler are endangered due to the clearing of much of their oak woodland and tall juniper habitat for the installment of homes, roads, stores, and otherwise human related needs (TPWD). Another cause of their endangerment is the flooding of their habitat during the construction of lakes. Recovery efforts are being conducted by over 400 landowners throughout regions in which the warbler is located, these landowners are being assisted by the U.S. fish and wildlife service to create…
The Mule deer is a deer very populated in the western North America. It is named for its ears, which are large like those of the Mule. There are believed to be several subspecies, including the black-tailed deer. The adult Mule deer weigh 130 lbs and 5 feet long. It’s gestation period is 203 days. They are herbivores. A startled, Mule deer will stiff-legged jumps with all four feet hitting the ground together. Each spring a buck's antlers start to regrow almost immediately after the old antler are shed. A Mule deer antlers are bifurcated; they fork as they grow, rather than forking from a single main beam. Mule deer have eight predators they are humans coyotes,…
Whooping cranes are an endangered species. Their bodies are almost entirely white with black tipped feathers. A neat feature is they have yellow eyes. The Whooping Cranes are the tallest birds in North American and stand almost five feet tall.…
The prairie rattlesnake is one of the most venomous snakes in North America. The prefered habitat for the prairie rattlesnake is in the mid United States and is mostly found living in grasslands and prairies. They will also live in wooded arias, brush caves and near streams where the food is plentiful.…
The eggs are a bluish-white, and the clutch is composed of one to five eggs. Both the male and the female incubate the eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the female tends the hatch lings and the male searches for food. After six weeks, the chicks begin leaving the nest for short flights. For the following ten weeks, they continue to depend on their parents while they learn to fly and to hunt…
Horses, particularly wild ones, seem to embody freedom and strength. Mustang and stallion are words that make you think of nobility. The wild horse is a species of the genus equus.…
Betty Marie spent part of her childhood in Oklahoma. Betty found ballet which brought her out her shell. She took her first lesson at four years old. Betty from than on did ballet. After a couple years and many lessons she started to master and perform at concerts and later a local star.…
Inhumane, atrocious conditions, which Romans had imposed on their slaves created a favorable ground for frequent outbursts of slave uprisal. In the past, during the years of rebellions, instigators were discovered and executed, and hundreds of participants were crucified often framing the roads to Rome with their decayed bodies still hanging on the crosses (60). Among the prominent leaders of the opposition movement was a legendary Red Eagle, whose words stirred up slaves spirit and spread like fire throughout the city (60, 354). Using "act" or posters, Red Eagle spread the message of fighting for equality and freedom by nonviolent means opposing assassinations with his conviction that " the rulers had as many rights to a long life as slaves"…
Imagine you’re a spotted owl mother who just hatched her 4 newborn owlet children. Obviously you’re thrilled to be starting this new chapter of your little owl life with a brand new family but you’re also shadowed with the fear of the young ones safety. The Great Horned and Barred Owl are stalking your new members for a late night snack and the opportunity to run you out of your home like the true savages they are. As their numbers in population increase, your own kind becomes more threatened. Once efforts to expand the Northern Spotted Owls habitat are increased, shared space with the Barred Owl is further limited and protection of their young is improved, then their population will soon increase. That…
The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), our national bird, is the only eagle unique to North America. The bald eagle's scientific name signifies a sea (halo) eagle (aeetos) with a white (leukos) head. At one time, the word "bald" meant "white," not hairless. Bald eagles are found over most of North America, from Alaska and Canada to northern Mexico. About half of the world's 70,000 bald eagles live in Alaska. Combined with British Columbia's population of about 20,000, the northwest coast of North America is by far their greatest stronghold for bald eagles. They flourish here in part because of the salmon. Dead…
The harpy eagle is a carnivore and an apex predator.The harpy eagle mainly feasts on tree dwelling animals an example are sloths,monkeys, and opossums.They sometimes feed on other birds such as macaws and on reptiles like iguanas.Females mostly target larger prey because of their size,leaving smaller prey for the…
A young deer has strayed away from her herd and is innocently grazing on grass. Ten yards away, a hungry wolf pack slowly stalks toward the fawn after trailing her for days. The deer senses what's happening and darts away, but it's too late, the fawn is as good as dead. The snowy terrain works to the wolf's’ advantage, with their huge paws acting like snowshoes. The wolves advance as their strongest member leads the chase. The pups watch from the sidelines as the deer quickly tires out. The head wolf quickly latches on to the fawn’s nose and brings her to the ground. The deer thrashes as more wolves come and attack her. Not long after, the fawn gives up her fight and the wolves feast.…
Who would pass up the opportunity to have a twenty foot aquatic animal as a pet?…
Is it important to the public about the monarch butterfly awareness? yes , it is important because many people care about monarch butterflies.One of the problems is climate change because many butterflies flea during the winter because cold front arrives and makes the butterflies fleas and go someplace else. Many butterflies leave for many different stuff such as climate , polluting ,and public awareness.…