The first encounter the boys have with literature is when Luo and the narrator see their friend, Four-Eyes’, suitcase and speculate that there are western books – which are not allowed – in it. When Four-Eyes is sick Luo tells him, “…we’ll help you carry your hod to the rice station, and when we get back you can give us some of the books you’ve got …show more content…
The narrator puts the safety of the books above his own, Luo tries to reeducate the Little Seamstress through stories and the Little Seamstress changes who she is to try to be like the characters in the books that Luo read to her. The books in Four-Eyes’ suitcase allow the narrator and Luo to see the influence of literature on the world through the changes that happen to not only them but to those around them. Though literature is most of the time thought of as a positive thing, the narrator and Luo learned that even though knowledge is power, sometimes that power is too much to handle and can cause repercussions that could be considered as negative or