[BAN ON CELLULAR PHONES IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS] | Ban on cellular phones in educational institutions is considering a good step to take students out of addiction of cell phones which is diverting them from their studies. |
Name: Anam Arshad Roll no: M10MBA043 Business Research Methods Academic title: Student Nationality: Pakistani E-mail id: zain466@hotmail.com
RESEARCH TITLE A study to investigate whether the banning of cellular phones in Educational Institutions of Pakistan is a right step or not.
Problem statement:
Decline in level of concentration in studies due to excessive and unfair usage of cellular phones in educational institutions.
The purpose of this research is to deal with the sensitive issue of, whether the banning of mobile phone with in the educational institutions, is accepted or not by the students, their parents and teachers. Significance:
Parents and teachers are very much tensed about the lack of interest of students in studies. The significance of this study is to highlight the main reason of student’s lack of interest and attention in lectures.
Mobile phones:
These are portable devices, small in size, used for mobile communication. In addition to voice communication they also includes the feature of SMS ,MMS, packet data for easy internet access, camera options ,FM radio services , media players , java, games, WAP, calculator, organizers, pen drive, blue tooth etc. In this era of technology, current mobile phones are connected to cell sites, which is in turn are interconnected to the public switched telephone network PSTN except of satellite phones.
The hexagonal cells for mobile phone base stations was invented in 1947 by
Bibliography: Martin Schram (2000) Annexure