Plant Tissue Culture is culturing of any part of the plant in a specially defined growth media under aseptic laboratory condition in Petri dishes, test tubes or in any other suitable glass containers. The plant nutrient media consists of macro and micro salts, vitamins and desired levels of plant growth hormones. Depending upon the plant species genetic nature and with help of above supportive media various forms of callus/embryos/shoots/ roots or direct plantlets can be induced. Obtaining plants through the above techniques is called as regeneration. With the recent technology brake through it is now possible to obtain complete plants of many species through single cell culture. Banana plants produced from Tissue Culture are free from diseases at the time of supply and they give high yields since they are made from selected high yielding mother plants. If proper care is taken, as per instructions, they grow into strong healthy plants and give high yields of good quality fruits. Since they are produced under controlled laboratory conditions using selected nutrients, they usually give yields one or two month earlier than conventionally propagated plants.
Production of large number of plant – lets within a short time, with less labor costs through culture media in 2 – 3 different stages under laboratory conditions. Large scale and commercially viable technologies were developed and being successfully adopted in Europe for rising cut flowers (Floriculture), Ornamental and other plants.
S L V Plant Technologies Pvt. Ltd
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Raising stocks of disease and virus free selected elite clones (varieties) can be supplied to the farmers as plant material. Uniform, true to type, high yielding and early harvesting was reported in case of Banana, Papaya, Pineapple. Few others are being followed now in various parts of the world.