Many athletes have never really fully considered the influence he or she has on individual team members and the team output in general. For example, an SPC may counsel each member of the team privately and discuss the influence he or she has on the team in the form of general responses to successes and failures. Asking the athlete to envision 3 scenarios after a poor team performance; providing positive support (“Good play on that last defensive drive, lets develop that more.”), negative support (“You blew it on that last drive.”), or no support (silence). This basic introduction to the social dynamic of the team environment may provide insight to the power and influence of individual actions. Perhaps an athlete never thought about the impact of just remaining silent after a
Many athletes have never really fully considered the influence he or she has on individual team members and the team output in general. For example, an SPC may counsel each member of the team privately and discuss the influence he or she has on the team in the form of general responses to successes and failures. Asking the athlete to envision 3 scenarios after a poor team performance; providing positive support (“Good play on that last defensive drive, lets develop that more.”), negative support (“You blew it on that last drive.”), or no support (silence). This basic introduction to the social dynamic of the team environment may provide insight to the power and influence of individual actions. Perhaps an athlete never thought about the impact of just remaining silent after a