Some of the Provisions of Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006 are as follows: 1. 2. Bangladesh Labour, 2006 (BLL 2006) has come into force from October 11, 2006 repealing 25 existing laws of the country. With some exceptions BLL 2006 shall apply to all establishments (including Garments and Shrimp industry) of Bangladesh. ‘Establishment’ means any shop, commercial establishment, industrial establishment or premises in which workers are employed for the purpose of carrying on any industry. “Industry” means any business, trade, manufacture, calling, service, employment or occupation. ‘worker’ means any person including an apprentice employed in any establishment or industry, either directly or through a contractor, to do any skilled, unskilled, manual, technical, trade promotional or clerical work for hire or reward, whether the terms of employment be expressed or implied, but does not include a person employed mainly in a managerial or administrative capacity
CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AND SERVICE 3. 4. Appointments Letter and Identity Card: It shall be mandatory for the employer to provide the workers appointment letters and identity cards. Service Book: Every employer shall, at his own cost, provide a service book for every worker employed by him.
CESSATION OF SERVICE 5. Death benefits: If a worker dies while in service after a continuous service of three years, his nominee or dependent (in the absence of any nominee) shall receive from the employer compensation @ thirty days wages for every completed year of service or for any part thereof in excess of three months or gratuity, whichever is higher. However, if such worker is covered by any compulsory insurance scheme of the establishment, or, if any compensation is payable for such death due to accident, the worker shall be entitled to whichever is higher. Under the previous law there was no provision for payment of death benefit to the workers. 6. Retrenchment: A worker may be retrenched on