Making a Difference
Human Resource Planning
Human Resource Planning is one of the most important elements in a successful HRM program. Specifically, human resource planning is the process by which an organization ensures that it has right number and kinds of people, at the right places, at the right time
capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall objectives.
As Banglalink is a concern of Orascom Telecom so its HR Planning is given great importance. Banglalink customer cares have following division:
Care Line (CL)
Call Center (CC)
Investigation Regulation Unit (IRU)
Information Technological Service Unit (ITSU)
Planning and Development
Quality Assurance Unit(QAU)
Credit Management Unit(CMU)
Complain Management Unit(CMU)
Customer Care Unit(CCU)
All the divisions take the following HR Planning Process-
Set Organizational Objectives and Strategies
Analyze Internal Inventory of HR Capabilities
Scan External Environment for Changes Affecting Employee Supply
Organizational Need for Employee
Forecasting HR Supply and Demand
Finally Fixed HR Strategies and Plans
Job Design and Analysis
Job design is really important issue for any organizations HR practices. It refers to organizing tasks, duties, and responsibilities into a productive unit of work. It addresses the content of kobs and the effect of jobs on employees. Job design is receiving greater attention for three major reasons:
Job design can influence performance in certain jobs, especially those where employee motivation can make a substantial difference. Lower costs through reduced turnover and absenteeism also are related to good job design
Job design can affect job satisfaction. Because people are more satisfied with certain job configurations than with others, identifying what makes a
“good” job becomes critical.