1.1 Background of the study
History of Bank
Banking Industry in Nepal
Introduction of commercial banks
Function of commercial banks 1.2 Focus of the study 1.3 Profile of sample banks 1.4 Statement of the problem 1.5 Objectives of the study 1.6 Significance of the study 1.7 Limitations of the study 1.8 Organization of the study
Review of Literature
Research methodology
Data presentation and analysis
Summary, conclusion and recommendation
Chapter II
Review of Literature 2.0 Introduction of review of literature 3.0 Review of books 4.0 Review of articles 5.0 Review of theis 6.0 Review of legislative provision 7.0 Review of Nepalese thesis 8.0 Research Gap
Chapter III
Research Methodology
3 Introduction to research methodology
3.1Research Design
3.2 Nature and sources of data
3.3 Population and sample of the study
3.4 Data collection procedure
3.5 Data Analysis technique
3.5.1 Tools for analysis
3.5.2 Financial tools for analysis Ratio Analysis Total CD ration Non performing loan ratio Loan loss provision ratio
3.5.3 Statistical tools for analysis
Trend analysis
Coefficient of correlation
Regresion analysis
Chapter IV
Data presentation and analysis
4. Introduction
4.1 Financial analysis
4.1.1 Total CD ratio
4.2 Growth ratio of loan and advance
4.3 Investment structure in priority and deprived sector
4.3.1 Priority lending Limitations of the priority sector lending
4.3.2 Deprived sector lending
4.4 Trend analaysis of deposit and credit of banks of Nepal Ternd analysis of sample banks
4.5 Percentage of npl of banks
4.6 Loan loss provision of banks in Nepal Sample banks loan loss provision
4.7 Comparative study of loan growth of banks
4.8 Comparative study of NPL of banks
4.9 Correlation analysis Between substandard loan and ROA of banks Between Doubtful loan and Roa of banks