A customer service officer or personnel often face problems handling difficult or irritated customers. Officers or personnel need to know the correct method of handling these people in the best possible way in order to give customers customer service satisfaction and also to retain customers from going elsewhere for the services they need. An example would be banking services, mobile network services, etc.
In organizational behaviour, we learn the rational choice decision making process which consists of four general steps: 1. Identify the problem or opportunity 2. Choose the best decision process 3. Develop alternative solutions 4. Choose the best/optimal alternative
For this assignment, we will look into how customer service officers or customer service providers look into all these six steps in improving on their relationships with customers.
1st Step: Identifying the problem
When we want to identify a problem, we should first see what the symptoms are relating to the issue. Only then we can look through the causes and after that identify what is the issue at hand.
As mentioned above, customer service officers often face problems when dealing with customers with issues, irritated customers, difficult customers, and sometimes just plain rude customers. The causes of this problem can be quite a handful, because as we know, dealing with human beings is the most difficult thing to do due to different people have different set of personalities, different ways of looking at things, different opinions, and different ways of making judgment and so on. However, it is crucial for customer service people to always do their best in handling customers so that these customers will stay loyal to the company, and keep their business with the company. If customers go, the company will lose lots of opportunities of business and creating