The Domain “Banking System " keeps the day by day tally record as a complete banking. It can keep the information of Account type, account opening form, Deposit,
Withdrowal, and Searching t he transaction, Transaction report, Individual account opening form, Group Account. The exciting part of this project is; it displays Transaction reports, Statistical Summary o f Account type and Interest Information.
“Banking System " keeps the day by day tally record as a comp lete banking. It can keep the information of Account type, account opening form, Deposit, Withdrawal, and
Searching the transaction, Transaction report s, Individual account opening form, Group
Account. The exciting part of this project is; it displays Transaction reports, Statistical
Summary o f Account type and Interest Information.
In the existing system the transactions are done only manually but in proposed system we have to computerize all the banking transaction using the software
Banking System.
They are:
Administrative Module
This module is the main module which performs all the main operations in the system. The major operations in the system are:
Account Opening Form
Account type
Searching Transaction
Transaction report
System analysis is a process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems and the information to recommend improvements on the system. It is a problem solving activity that requires intensive communication between the system users and system developers. System analysis or study is an important phase of any system development process. The system is studied to the minutest detail and analyzed. The system analyst plays the role of the interrogator and dwells deep into the working of the present system.
The system is viewed as a whole and the input to the system are identified. The o utputs
Bibliography: 3. John Zukowski (2000) ‘Visual Basic 6.0’ ‘BPB Publications 4