A financial institution is an institutions concerning finance, which is defined as managing money among individuals, businesses and governments. Some examples for financial institutions are mainly banks; retail or investment bank, insurance company, stockbroking, asset management and finance company. They are the intermediaries of financial markets. In the past, things were simpler and banks were only making loans and taking in deposit or withdrawal from individuals and businesses. Bankers were more discipline and manage their risk carefully. However, due to the fast paced technology change and The Agency Theory, agents want to take risk to show results and good performance. In order to deliver better profit, they bring in a diverse range of products and activities. The government normally regulates these financial institutions and today we have banks selling insurance products and insurance company selling banks products. Adding to the advanced technology today, just one click consumers can move their money quick and effectively. (Banking has changed: What does it mean for consumer? Investopedia)
The role of a rating agency is to assess the financial strength & creditworthiness of companies and governmental entities, and their ability to meet the interest and principal payments on their bonds and other
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