The Scarlet Letter is banned throughout the world due to it being called sinful. People call it sinful because of the sexual things in it, but it tells about no sexual activity happening. Also, because of the inappropriate words are actions, which isn’t that bad. Many think that there is terrible and unfair punishment, but in reality what Hester Prynne got has punishment is understandable.
In this book, there is no details about the sexual activity. The readers know she had sex due to her being pregnant, and having the baby. It is recommended for kids in grades 9th through 12th, by that age most kids know all about those type of things. Also, it doesn’t go into detail about her being pregnant, has it says in the book “She bore a child in her …show more content…
arms, a baby of some three months…”
There is no inappropriate words or actions that the recommended grade levels haven’t said or even done.
In all the book it never explains what happened for her to have a baby, which everyone should know what happened for her to become pregnant. Most people that have read The Scarlet Letter have said or done the things happening in the book.
In the entire book there is no terrible punishment, or graphic parts. The punishment in which Hester is given can be understandable, it's not graphic, disturbing, or inappropriate. She stands on a platform for 3 hours in the middle of town, with her baby in arms, and her letter 'A' sewn into the breast of her dress. She gets questioned when she won't admit the father's name, and every time her or the baby would walk through town they would be stared at.
In my opinion, The Scarlet Letter should not be banned due to no inappropriate parts. Others that think it should be banned could argue that its pornographic, obscene, and sinful. The weakness of those reasons is what happened in The Scarlet Letter happened with many other women in the same time period, but they didn’t get caught for it. It also happens today still, but with it occurring so much everyone ignores