Barbie has been criticized for having a Barbie’s curvaceous body and revealing garments are perceived to promote sexuality and promiscuity. Many believe that Barbie creates a sense of false hope for young girls who are just getting to high school ages and expect a life they imagined with Barbie. These girls then realize that they can’t be like Barbie and then they start to try harder to be like her. They start dieting and become anorexic or bulimic.
Russia was the first ones to ban the Barbie in 2002, because the doll was thought to awaken sexual impulses in the very young, and encourage consumerism among Russian children. The moral police in Saudi Arabia, also declared Barbie dolls a threat to morality and offensive to Islam. Barbie was banned in Saudi Arabia in 2003 as Saudi Arabia’s religious police found the Barbie dolls with their revealing clothes and shameful postures, accessories, and tools, as a symbol of the decadence of the West.
A number of dolls have been launched for Islamic markets not only to fill the marketing void but also to offer Muslim girls someone they can relate to. One of the dolls they created for Islamic market is Fulla. The Fulla doll covers her body in appropriate clothes and her personality was created to be loving, humble and respectful of elders. Fulla would not be allowed to have a boyfriend because is not allowed in Islam to have romantic relationships. She has costumes such as the hijab which is a part of every Muslin girls wear.