Christopher Wolcik
Mr. James Scott
English 155
Would Banning Firearms Solve the Crime Problems in America? Firearms should not be banned because it is not the presence of the firearm that provokes the murder or suicide but it is murderous technology that is available everywhere to you wherever you may go. It is the will to use that technology that is culturally coded and that this is what shapes the number of murder and suicide assaults in our nation. The world as we see it today is filled with the widespread of weapons that can be used in multiple ways. The availability of firearms is a crucial determinant of the incidence of …show more content…
Reporters or news articles seem to believe that the easy availability of firearms has been associated with higher firearm mortality rates. Most people that write articles apparently assume that if denied firearms, people that want to commit suicide, will decide to live rather than turning to knives, poisons, hanging, jumping from great heights or the numerous other available suicide mechanisms. The evidence, however, indicates that all that is accomplished by the removal of one particular means of murder or suicide from people who are motivated to do so by social, economic, cultural or other circumstances is that they will find other ways of killing themselves by some other means. There is no social benefit in decreasing the availability of guns if the result is only to increase the use of other means of suicide and murder, resulting in more or less the same amount of death. Banning firearms will only result to people turning to other forms of weaponry to take a life or their own. The determinants of murder and suicide are basic social, economic and cultural factors not the incidence of some other form of deadly method. The explanation of this relationship may be political rather than criminological. But this does not defeat the crime for banning guns that cannot ease the cultural economic factors that are the real determinants of violence and crime