The Bantu people are known as the 60 million African Americans who speak the Bantu language throughout Africa. Bantu-speaking people can be found in Rwanda, Angola, Burundi, Zimbabwe, and South Africa, among other nations in the southern part of Africa. Many believe that Bantu tribes probably began migrating from Northern Africa around 3,000 BCE. They most likely brought an assortment of skills with them such as the ability to farm, and work metals. Migration continued until around the fourth century and many settled south of the Congo River. Over a period of time, a number of languages like Swahili, Kirundi, and Gikuyu, developed; many of these languages are categorized as “Bantu”.
There are many kingdoms in South Africa that were ruled by the Bantus. The Bantu people were very resourceful and adapted quickly; their culture was able to surpass those of native Africans. They traded with people from different regions of the world including Europeans. Eventually the Europeans pressured the Bantus to move, causing there culture to spread throughout the different parts of Africa therefore; the Bantu people are diverse and radically different in government and society.
The Bantu people are known as humble and hospitable, they easily adjust in any situation. The Bantu maintain their hospitality and support toward extended families and even outsiders in times of need. They wish to better the lives of their children and are willing to work hard and make sacrifices. The average Bantu family consists of between four and eight children, and typically includes grandparents, uncles, aunts, and other relatives. Most Bantu adults also consider themselves members of more than one family. For example, a married woman may also be considered a member of her father’s family. Daily life may vary slightly from one Bantu family to another, but, generally Bantu society is a patriarchal [one in which the father is in charge]. However, for some Bantu who have