2. I personally think it will be difficult for Banyan Tree to maintain it’s unique positioning in the future. As I was reading this case I thought multiple times how there are now several resorts built just like this one. I think Banyan Tree can continue to be successful, but other resorts are already trying to push them out of their position. Banyan Tree could just become one of the many when it comes to resorts.
3. I think their brand portfolio of Banyan Tree, Angsana, and Colours of Angsana all fit as a family. Many companies do this strategy. I know in the music industry there are a lot of smaller record labels that are owned/part of a large label. I also think their other services such as the spas and galleries fit too because they are closely tied to the theme/values of Banyan Tree. However I would recommend that Banyan Tree doesn’t expand too far. Everything they offer should be somehow related to Banyan Tree. If they don’t keep everything related they could start to get unfocused.
4. The practice of corporate social