Reporting Issue:
IMC plan for The Banyan Tree
Nichapat Fongsmut
Glion Institute of Higher Education
M947 Brand Communications
Hand-in date 3rd October 2014
Statement of Authorship
I certify that this assignment is my own work and contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any degree or diploma in any institute, college or university. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the work. I also understand that under no circumstances should any part of this assignment be published, including on the internet, or publicly displayed without receiving written permission from the University.
Signed Nichapat Fongsmut
Student number GIHE 307055 Name Nichapat Fongsmut
Table of content
Table Content
Executive summary 4
Introduction 5
Market Analysis 6-8
Brand personality 8-9
Integrated Marketing Communication Plan 9-11
Future Development 12
Exhibit 1 13
References 14
Executive Summary
This report focuses on Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts (BTHR) who will expand their business unit to China as a destination branding. To make this expansion sustainably and effectively, the hotel has to do research about market target, trends of the residents in particular regions, the main competitors. The market analysis will help marketers to understand consumers in more details like their ability to pay, their attitude about the products, and their preference of the particular groups of consumers. Moreover, the hotel has to know their brand personality that based on human personal traits according to Aaker’s brand personality framework. Besides, knowing its personality will help the marketers understand their brand image and brand position, as well as,