Catholicism, the monotheistic faith, practice, and church of of the Roman Catholic Church initially welcomes people into their faith through Baptism. Baptism is where a person …show more content…
Jews have a ritual similar to baptism this is called aqiqah birth ritual, this ritual includes, Immersion (like baptism), Brit Milah and Brit Habat. Immersion is like baptism, the person (usually the baby) is taken into a plain room which holds the Mikvah ( a small bath like structure, with steps, filled with water) they are usually taken by a God father or God mother into the room, from there the person is handed over to the Rabih, the Rabih then submerges the person under the water (only for about 2 seconds). The person is then taken out of the Mikvah and they are taken back to the immersion service. A conversion ceremony is when a person chooses to show total commitment to the Jewish religion, a conversion ceremony is simply un-exceptable without Immersion because just like Catholics Immersion shows a persons connection with God. There are two other important rituals involved in the initiation rites, these are Brit Milah and Brit Habat. Brit Milah is the male circumcision ceremony performed on the eighth day of a Jewish infants life, performed by a mohel (circumciser) at the synagogues morning service in a separate room, circumcision shows the males partnership with God. Brit Habat also know as Seved Habat is the celebration of a baby girl, Brit Halal is undertaken at this ceremony, Brit Halal is where the female child is named by her mother and her God Mother. The Brit Habat ceremony is not as important of a ritual as the Brit Milah ritual because the religion is improving but they have more respect for males than they do for females. To Jews there is strictly only one God and he is so sacred that Jews don't even mention his name, Yaweh. Judaism is practiced in the Jewish mouse of prayer, the Synagogue, a large ancient looking building, similar to a church but