Dear Friends,
I want start my talk with a quote by Albert Einstein.
“Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this walked the earth in flesh and blood.”
Few men have ever had as much of an effect on our world as Mohandas Gandhi. He was charismatic, deliberate and analytical. Gandhi was very much a product of his times, yet one of his greatest sources of inspiration was the Bhagavad-Gita. He was a politician, a writer, an intellectual and an orator. Without doubt he was a complex man, believing in simple things.
Gandhi would teach us countless lessons about life, leadership and much more. Gandhi learnt his Leadership skills during his years in South Africa, and honed them in India.
1. Leadership by examples
Gandhi's greatest ability was to walk his talk at every level and in every way. India continues to be a nation of many diverse nationalities but never did they so unanimously identify with another leader as they identified with Gandhi and this was across classes and communities which were even more sharply divided than they are these days. He practiced what he preached at every possible level. Be it how he dressed like the poorest Indian with a hand woven cotton cloth that barely covered his body and had the simplest of watches and glasses. When it came to personal possessions, unlike today's leaders he had the barest of minimum.
2. Treatment to others
His letters and writings to other great leaders in India, the world and even to young children never had a patronizing or "holier-than-thou" element but always looked at everyone as equals. Leaders who have put their interests over the organizations they created have prospered as individuals but always at the cost of the institution they built or worked for. He made an effort to truly understand his people. He spoke from their point of view...from what motivated them. It has been said that, when he spoke publicly to large audiences it was like he was speaking to you individually.