User Manual
NADRA Technologies Limited
Verion 1.0
A. Overview and Information about Barcode Scanner
Bar coding is the most common Automated Data Collection technology providing timely, error-free information that can be used to increase productivity, accuracy, and efficiency during the bill payment.
Barcode scanners have been commonly used as input devices for several decades. With USB based Bar code scanner you can pay the bills in more fast and efficient way and the error rate using bar codes is almost negligible.
Note: i. Current available version of Bar Code Reader application is only supported for Windows XP. Windows Vista or any other version is not tested nor supported. ii. Before purchasing Barcode Reader (Hardware) please confirm with vendor that it should support Auto Enter (Carriage Return/Line Feed) feature. iii. Make sure that Carriage Return (CR Suffix) must be enabled while Line Feed (LF Suffix) is disabled.
B. How and from where to Download the Application
You can download the application by logging to Franchise Section on After successful login follow following steps:
1. Click on “Downloads” link on Home Page. 2. Under “Software Applications and Patches” click and download “Bar Code Reader Patch Version1.0”. 3. It will open the download window. Click on ‘Save’ button and provide the path in next window, where you want to download the file. 4. Saved file name will be “NADRABarcode.msi”.
C. How to setup the Barcode Application
To install and setup the Bar Code facility at your system. Following are the setups to follow:
1. Make sure eSahulat application is already installed at your system. 2. Double click and run “NADRABarcode.msi” file. 3. Follow the screen steps and click on ‘next’ button on every screen. 4. After successful installation it will create a desktop icon with name “NADRA BARCODE