ID: 010582267
Entrepreneur Essay
The business I decided to research was a restaurant and bar in Antioch, Illinois. This bar was called, “The Dirty Rooster,” Jon Taffer was in charge of turning around this restaurant. Jon Taffer is the owner and chairman of a bar/nightclub consulting firm called Taffer Dynamics, Inc. Taffer is a bar and nightclub owner who has started, turned around, or owned over 800 businesses in his career that spans over three decades. The restaurant/bar that Taffer is rescuing on this certain episode of the show “Bar Rescue” is appealing to me because of the insanity that goes on during the show, this is one of my favorite episodes I have seen.
There are three separate business spartners that have all gone in together to buy a bar. Rob and Steve originally invested forty thousand a piece, this was the first bar they had ever opened, so after learning they had insufficient funds they sought out to find a third investor. Who they found was another friend named Scott who invested twenty five thousand dollars of his own money. The ownership was split thirty seven and a half percent to each Rob and Steve, and Scott held the remaining twenty five percent as a silent partner. The first two months of opening the business went great, there was two hundred people a night that would come through the doors, it was booming. With Rob being the only one managing the bar due to Scott and Steve being preoccupied with their own jobs it soon led to Rob taking advantage of the situation. Without any supervision Rob began to treat the facility as a free for all and gave out six thousand dollars worth of alcohol in just two nights, this started to happen more frequently after the second month of operations. Their friendship got in the way of stepping on each others feet and no one would stand up to Rob and tell him what needed to be said. Since the bar had only been open less than a year, they are already beginning to lose money at the ten month mark,