success of the money situation has always depended not just on how much money our businesses create but on the reach of the wealth. Our founding fathers came here for us to have freedom. Every man, woman, and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity. Barack Obama is ready to lead the country once more” This is in words what Barack Obama said. For George Washington's inaugural address it took place on April 30, 1789 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The speech would be very effective because it was the first president of the United States and people wondered what were his plans. The significance that George Washington's inaugural address is that it is the first inaugural address ever buy a US president. This is why we still value and importance it today. The main idea of George Washington’s Inaugural Address was that he was saying that he will do his best to help the United States Get out of bad times because they had just gotten out of war with Britain. Some of the things that George Washington said or the following “God will help the people of the United States.” “Being president is going to be difficult that you need to learn how to manage the country and keep it at certain measures.” These are in the words of George Washington. To come pair George Washington's and Barack Obama's inaugural address is very challenging.
Not only because they're both former presidents of the United States but the amount of intelligence that is said in these speeches. Some things for Barack Obama's address is that it was taken place on January 20, 2008. And George Washington's was taking place on April 30 1789. Barack Obama speech mentions to help other countries and and to stop war with other countries. Barack Obama mentioned the presidents before him and the founders of America in his speech. George Washington speech said determination and Courage. Washington states that he is nervous about running the country. George Washington addresses the House of Representatives and the Senate mostly. Some comparison that they both have in common on both of the speeches is Both used high vocabulary in their speeches. Speech was given same day as inauguration. Both presidents speak about their love for the United
States. These two speakers are very important because Barack Obama is first African-American president and former President, George Washington is our founding father of our country. Many years later we will look back at the speeches and see the great importance and value. This is why these two are not girl addresses are very important not only to us right now but to the future generation.