In “Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy has connected with me more then any other poem in the book so far. “Barbie Doll” is connected with me as a male because it is what all people go through, not just women like it states in the poem. But all men and women have a stereotype of being the perfect person. You have to have a tan; you have to have the perfect chiseled abs. If you go and pick up a magazine more then likely you will find a man or women that are considered perfect. The world wants people to change their ways. What they were what they eat, pretty much their whole lifestyle. If you don’t wear the right clothes or if you’re to poor to afford nice clothes then you get laughed at or get beat up because you’re not as cool as the other kids. I remember …show more content…
when your little no one cares what you were you could have been wearing a Barney triple rainbow colored sweatshirt and nobody would of cared. Not today. This story relates to me the most because I was the little kid that got picked on for having the hand be down cloths from my brothers while all the other school children got new cloths for school, I got the Black Sabbath and White Snake shirts with holes in them or they were too big. I got beat up a lot in elementary school for not being with the right crowd. Sooner then I thought I became the dirty kid, the kid that no one wanted to sit by during lunch. Girls didn’t want to talk to you. But that was about to change for I thought, I was heading into middle school, I had an allowance, money to spend on clothes, no more hand be downs, I thought in my mind: Thank God. I will finally be popular and have friends. So I bought the nice cloths. But to my dismay that didn’t help through my middle school days I only had one new friend, and he was considered a dirty himself. I gained a lot of weight while I was in middle school because of the depression that had fallen on me. I was 304 and playing baseball, not a good combination. A fat person running is not good. So when I went into high school I tried out for the football team and got on the freshmeat team. The one were you get hazed and stuff. Well for being 304 I was quite the fast kid, so I never got caught but, some other freshmen did and they got hazed pretty bad.
But back to the story, when I started going to high school I started a diet of just football and by my junior year I was down to 230 and being the popular kid, everyone new me at school, even the ladies, I was built and could have killed everyone in a fight. I think that’s why everyone was being nice to me because I could have beaten them up. But when I was the jock and the skinny kid I just didn’t feel the same I wanted people to like me for just me not some guy that they think will beat them up because I’m the strongest kid in my class. I was still depressed, when my ex girlfriend dumped me I wanted to be perfect, I didn’t care anymore about if people liked me I just wanted to die so that I will become the person that is made to be perfect taking out my organs so I wont die of disease making my face look like I died happy, like I was happy all the time, make my body look the best that it could ever look with the makeup and the black suit and the tie, with the flowers of all those that loved me beside my bed of eternal slumber. The poem reflects not only on females but also on males of the world. Women might have more serious pressures of society, but males aren’t out of the picture of
society’s pressure. Men have to look a certain way to even get a women to look at him let alone talk to him in a normal none disgusted talk. I guess you could say that females and males are alike in society’s pressure, but there are also many people in the world that are thought to love the person on the inside, and not the beauty that is on the outside, really men are to blame for the women’s stress of the world. Women are also the problem with men’s self-esteem issues that are a problem with today’s society.