In 1956, Ruth Handler, an American businesswoman, was vacationing in Switzerland when she came across Bild Lilli, a doll that, unlike popular baby dolls at the time, had long, shapely legs and wore heavy makeup. Lilli, in fact, was based on a prostitute in a postwar German cartoon, but Handler was inspired. She bought three Lilli dolls, returned to California and in 1959 created the world 's first Barbie doll (Lowen). Since her debut in 1959, over one billion Barbie dolls have been sold worldwide in over 150 countries (Seare). A Barbie doll is probably one of the most famous cultural icons in America. When young girls look at the doll, they see an independent, adventurous female. However, people may not understand the effects that a Barbie doll can have on a little girl. Parents might think they are buying the ideal toy for their child, not knowing the shocking effects that come along with Barbie. The point is Barbie has a negative effect on girls because she supports an unhealthy weight, an unnatural beauty and is an unrealistic portrayal of women. This plastic doll affects each little girl differently. It is weird how a toy can have such an impact on a girl’s life. Depending on the little girl, Barbie can have positive or negative effects. Barbie influences what a little girl wants her parents to buy for her, how she thinks she should look, and what age the little girl becomes physically active. It seems that Barbie would have more of a negative effect on children rather than a positive one. Barbie portrays the doll that can do anything. This makes girls think that they should be just like her. In reality nobody can be like Barbie because she is “perfect.” Barbie has her dream house, car, and a wardrobe that is expanded almost every day. Many girls believe that they have to be just like Barbie. This pressures parents to buy their girls many new outfits and accessories. Girls believe they have to be just like
Cited: "Barbie." 1 May 2012 "Ditch the doll? Lawmaker out to outlaw Barbie." 1 May 2012 Lowen, Linda. "After 50 Years, What is Barbie 's Impact on Girls and Women?." 1 May 2012. Seare , Nicola. "Barbie 's mid-life crisis." 21 July 2004. 1 May 2012 "Social Impact and Criticism." 1 May 2012