English 112
March 4, 2010
In the last ten years the cosmetics has transcends from chemical base to natural from foundations and blushes to lip color and eye makeup. Women have many choices in cosmetics brands, such as department specialty discount stores brands. Due to the growing popularity of natural cosmetics in demand specialty cosmetic companies like Bare Minerals and Pur minerals were introduce to answer. Bare Minerals the first to enter the beauty market introduces mineral products in the 1970’s. Pur minerals soon later follow suit along with few other mineral cosmetic companies. The dilemma of choosing the right makeup is one that weights important when seeking a natural alternative in makeup. Bare minerals introduction through television infomercials became number one best seller in cosmetics because its uniqueness as a natural makeup. Bare minerals ingredients included titanium dioxide, zinc oxide; bismuth ox chloride, mica, and iron oxide all are 100% pure crush minerals. The fine loose powder is package in small pots but if not careful it can be messy. The method of technique to applying the makeup is to swirl, tap, and buff n blend to give a skin a natural glow. (Bare Esscentials, Inc., 2003-2009) Bare minerals line consists of foundations, eye shadows, blushes, lip color, and skin care along with brush applicators. Bare minerals is considered the leader in the industry because its start of the natural mineral cosmetics in the beauty industry. Bare minerals foundations help solve skin problem issues like rosacea and blemishes as well as promote clear complexion for all skin types from dry, oily, combination, and sensitive skin which can improve over time. Yet, Bare minerals promote the benefits there are some scientific reports that the ingredients in the foundation are linked to have caused certain cancers. (Environmental Working Group, 2010)The pros of Bare minerals are that it
Cited: Bare Esscentials, Inc. (2003-2009). About BE. Retrieved 03 2010, from Bare Esscentials: http://bareescentuals.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-BareEscentuals-Site/default/Experience-Show?cgid=BE_STORY Beauty Brief. (2009, January 28). Mineral makeup comparison: Bare minerals, Pur minerals vs Sheer Cover. Retrieved March 9, 2010, from Beauty brief: http://www.beautybrief.com/mineral-makeup-review.html Environmental Working Group. (2010). Bare minerals report Skin deep safety report. Retrieved 03 20, 2010, from Skin deep cosmetic safety database: http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/product.php?prod_id=219346&add_item=1 Pur Minerals Inc. (2010). Why Pur? Retrieved 03 2010, from Why Pur: http://www.purminerals.com/why-pur