The Barking Owl also known as (Northern Winking Owl, Western Winking Owl, Winking Owl, Screaming Woman) is a medium sized hawk-owl. Hawk-owls lack the definite heart shaped face of the tyto-owls (which include the Barn Owl, Tyto alba). Adult Barking Owls are grey-brown above, with white spots on the wings, and whitish below, heavily streaked with grey-brown. The head is almost entirely grey-brown, and the eyes are large and yellow. Young Barking Owls have less streaking on the underparts and are mottled white and grey-brown on the rear of the neck. Barking Owls are nocturnal birds (night birds), although they may sometimes be seen hunting during the day. (Ondine Evans 2011).
According to (NSW Government, Environment & Heritage 2012), The Barking Owl is found throughout continental Australia except for the central arid regions. Although common in parts of northern Australia, the species has declined greatly in southern Australia and now occurs in a wide but sparse distribution in NSW. Core populations exist on the western slopes and plains (especially the Pilliga) and in some northeast coastal and escarpment forests. Many populations have crashed as woodland on fertile soils was cleared, leaving linear riparian strips of remnant trees as the last inhabitable areas. Sometimes they extend their home range into urban areas, hunting birds in garden trees and insects attracted to streetlights. Research from (Taylor & Kirsten 1999) survey also found that there are two subspecies of Barking Owl, which are found in mainland Australia, Ninox connivens connivens (eastern Australia, southern Australia and southwest western Australia). The other subspecies Ninox connivens peninsularis occurs in the northern part of Western Australia, the Northern Territory and far north Queensland.
Results from the (Taylor & Kirsten 1999) surveys highlight the need for closer examination of sites previously recorded on the Victorian Wildlife
Bibliography: Australia Zoo 2012, BIRDS - BARKING OWL, Beerwah, Queensland, viewed 29 May 2013, <<animals/birds/?bird=raptors&animal=barking_owl> Hodgon J. (1996) Behaviour and Diet of the Barking Owl Ninox connivens in South-eastern Queensland, Australian Bird Watcher 1996, Vol.16 (8), 332-338 NSW Government, Environment & Heritage 2012, Barking Owl – profile, Sydney South, NSW, viewed 29 May 2013, <> Ondine Evans (2011), Animal Species: Barking Owl, College St Sydney, viewed 29 May 2013, <> Queensland Government, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection 2011, Barking Owls, Brisbane, QLD, Barking Owls 2011, viewed 29 May 2013, <http://> Simpson & Day (1996) Field Guide to the birds of Australia, sixth edition, Penguin Books Australia Ltd Taylor I. R., Kirsten I. (1999) Targeted Barking owl (Ninox connivens) survey for the West Region Comprehensive Regional Assessment, Johnstone Centre Research in Natural Resources & Society Report No. 135, Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW. World Owl Trust 2013, eyesight, Britain, viewed 3 June 2013, <http:// <>