Belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence would be the definition of individualism. In the late 19th century and early 20th century the gap between the rich and the poor widens and the social class of the middle was the ambitions for an improved democracy. Problems of the 20th century included racism, poverty, and violence. The progressive believed that these actions could be resolved with proper education and safer environments. America was changing especially with the rise of big businesses and the gap between the rich and poor continually widening. Big businesses and large cities developed but not all citizens shared the new found wealth and hopefulness. Children and women of the 20th century were also changing. Women no longer wanted to just become house wives they wanted to make a difference also by becoming educators, social workers and nurses. Also, children of the poor wanted more and children of the rich wanted something of their own, thus making their generation to have a different ideology than their parents. The Progressive Era was also a time when the middle class was at risk of disappearing. But the middle class had the most influence to start a revolutionary war. Especially, in contrast with other classes, the middle class had a remarkable unity. Nevertheless, America was in need for complete reform. But was this reform helping America or hurting it.
The progressive era was a movement to change America ways and unjust behavior. Government corruption was up and also poverty. The working class was barely able to survive with the extremely low wages they were receiving and most made their children quit school to help with living expenses thus, making the reconstruction of childhood very important. Many children worked in mills to help support their family. With no child labor laws in effect children was basically following the same path of their parents and that’s living in poverty. “A child that came to this country and went to school had taken the first step into the New World,” stated Rahel Golub (109). An educated child was needed so the cycle of living poor like their parents can be broken. Children of the 20th century was much like children of the 21st century, if you were born in the poor class you had to work much harder than a child born of the wealth.
I believe the Progressive Era was also about control then reform. They wanted to force the rich to do more and stop throwing lavish parties in a time that was considered to be a depression. I believe their lavish parties helped stimulate the economy. Many small businesses benefited from these parties. An income tax was imposed on the wealthy anyways to pay for things that the poor needed. Schools and better housing was just some of the things they were going to use the money for. Supporters of this tax believed that it was needed to recede the gap between the rich and the poor and others believed that it was handicapping the poor more by giving them handouts.
Children leisure time was also a concern. Children without adequate role models or unfit parents and also living in troubling urban environments got into trouble more. Drinking, staying out late and committing petty crimes were some of the charges children faced. Most was given probation instead of jail time in hopes of rehabilitation.
Improving the status of women was one of the many goals for progressives. Middle class women of the 20th century were much more different than the women at the beginning of the 20th century. Instead of just wanting more they demanded more. No longer were just child carriers of children and house maids. They commanded more opportunities outside the home. More middle class women pursued education and less considered marriage in fear of not being able to work outside the home. Women started stepping out of the homes and as a result of women wanting more outside the home birth rates fell along with marriages.
Women started to leave the home and started organizing volunteer groups, conducted research and in the process changing society. Beginning at local levels services included organized sanitation, cleaner water, and setting the standards for housing reform. Local reforms eventually expanded into state and federal.
The effect was felt in every social class in reference of healthcare, education and knowing political corruption existed. Women were very important during the Progressive Era time and they continue on being very influential. A Fierce Discontent explained the problems the late 19th and early 20th century faced. In my opinion as a nation we have overcome some of our major problems such as child labor laws, realizing the importance of a proper education, a fading middle class and most important the gap between the rich and poor. Nevertheless, we are in the 21st century still facing the same challenges the 20th century were facing.
The gap between the rich and poor is widening and the middle class is still in threat of being erased. If you live in the 21st century and considered to be in the class of poor you still are receiving wages so low you are barely scrape by. Kids are also dropping out of school to help support their families or just because they have inadequate role models. Healthcare is also an issue. More and more Americans don’t have healthcare and most can’t afford. We are currently facing reconstruction of healthcare.
Another major problem the 21st century face that the progressive era face was crime, prostitution and overcrowding within large cities. Many state that they feel they government should do more but, many believe the government have too much control already, especially with a lot of political corruption still surfacing.
The progressive era in my opinion was the movement to start the process of making America a more moralized society that developed during industrial growth. But still facing some of the same challenges in today’s society how much was really done.