1. Introduction
An increase number of female owned their business and became entrepreneurs in recent years. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, there are 126 million women operating new business. Although the number of female entrepreneurs is high, the rate of women take part in business is not equal to men’s. Even the active female entrepreneurs, they do not reach their potential. In America, women own three in ten firms. It is only 6% of the country’s workforce and account for barely 4% of business revenues (The economist 2014). In general, entrepreneur is a traditionally male dominated industry. Female entrepreneurs have faced some obstacles in business world. Women may hesitate to participle in economy. However, the performance of female would not be worse than the male entrepreneurs. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the barriers that women faced in entering into business. This research will include the reasons of female participle in business activities, the differences of male and female entrepreneurs and the barriers of female entrepreneurs.
2. Reasons of female participle in business activities
“Self-determination, expectation for recognition, self-esteem and career goal are the key drivers for taking up entrepreneurship by women” (Moore & Buttner 1997). While men start their own businesses for growth opportunities and profit potential, most of women often become entrepreneurship in order to meet personal goals, for example: gaining feelings of achievement and accomplishment. In many instances, women consider financial success as an external confirmation of their ability rather than as a primary goal or motivation to start a business. Moreover, dismal economic conditions of the women arising out of unemployment in the family and divorce can compel women into entrepreneurial activities.
3. Differences between male and female entrepreneurs
“Women business owners are different from men
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