Categorization of Barriers
Semantic Organizational Inter-personal Individual Cross- cultural (Geographic) Physical / channel / and media Technological
Semantic Barriers
Science of meaning - Phonetics science of sound. Semantics – coding /decoding • Similar Pronunciation but multiple meaning. • Badly expressed message – incoherence, poor sentence structuring and jargons • Wrong interpretation - Pandit, raja / Rajah • Unqualified assumption by sender / receiver • Technical language / jargon
Organizational Barriers
Interference from relative status and power of participants, incompatible needs and expectations
o Organizational culture – impacts freedom and trust o Organizational rules and regulations o Status relationship o Complexity in organizational structure o Inadequate facilities and opportunities o Lack of cooperation between senior and subordinate. Inter-personal Barriers
Sender and receiver – different economic, educational and status level
Barrier from Superior
Shortage of time for employee Lack of trust Lack of trust for employee’s needs and expectations Desire to capture authority by retaining information Fear of losing power of control Bypassing Information overload to employees – missing grain from chaff.
Inter-personal Barriers
Barrier from Subordinate
Lack of proper channel – how does he convey? No interest to communicate Lack of cooperation and mutual understanding Lack of trust and co-ordination Poor social relationship Fear of penalty.
Individual / Psycho-sociological Barriers
Change????? Style Linguistic accent The form of expression Level of drama / gestures Humour Brevity Choice of discriminatory or non- discriminatory communication Quality of credibility and charisma
Individual / Psycho-sociological Barriers
Selective Perception – ‘I know it syndrome’, ‘waste of time’ Status relationship - – monologues by seniors