explained that choices can sometimes lead bad decisions in the decision-making process. The way to overcome the obstacles when confronted with an option of choice, Schwartz, mentioned that we must find the “sweet spot” and we must separate the “principal” and the “agent” (Talks at Google.) In the textbook, Global Ethics: An Introduction the section of “Virtue Ethics”, rationalized the role of ethics through the Aristotle approach of ethics where the author Heather Widdows explained in Aristotle’s book on ethics explained that there are two types of virtues, saying “intellectual virtues (such as wisdom, both theoretical and practical, scientific knowledge, reason and technical ability for crafts and skills); and the “virtues of character” or the “moral virtues” (such as courage, temperance, beneficence and honesty)” (Widdows 61).
The role of choice impacts consumers on a day-to-day basis as well as it impacts business decisions. In the article, Everybody’s Business by Jon Miller and Lucy Parker their article entitled “A Hard Path to Leadership” Miller and Parker described the ethical values for working for the company of Nike. In this article, the authors exposed the ethical values and the negative effects from working at Nike. In the commentary, the author states that the working conditions for a company like Nike were unbearable and described as unethical and inhumane according to American standards. The author points out examples such as the youngest factory workers were under the legal working age if 18 years old. (Miller, Parker 72). Based on the horrifying ethical issues that Nike is encountering, demonstrates that the Nike company has poor practical wisdom skills as the company has not quite figured out how to do the right skill while doing the right thing (Talks at
Google.) Even though the definition of practical wisdom may vary slightly from psychological perspective all the way to a philosophical perspective, the general meaning of practical wisdom means “to do the right thing and the skill to figure out what the right thing is” (Talks at Google.) This also shows that when using practical wisdom, the impact of choice whiter or not to do something can impact our daily lives.