Assessment question
Discuss the management practices at Enron with regard to three ethical principles of the Global Business Standards Codex.
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The practices by Enron’s management breached the fiduciary, property, transparency, dignity and fairness principle, this unethical behaviour is why they developed conflict of interest between high up board members, this was using their company’s profits as their own bank for their own benefits.
Main argument 1:
Fiduciary – Work traits and loyalty
Topic Sentence
Loyalty and consistency of work at Enron was doubtfully its best traits. This prevailed when Enron’s loyalty became towards individuals instead of what was best for the company and its stakeholders.
Descriptive ethics
Throughout Enron, the loyalty principle and behaviour were misleading. This is shown through the fraud of the financial stakeholders. The executives were always looking towards what is morally right for the business. ’Management has the obligation to not harm particular stakeholder interest from a moral point of view’ (Refik Culpan & John Trussel 2005) but this was soon demoralised as the loyalty of Enron and its stakeholders were using the businesses profits for personal use.
Supporting evidence Applying the agency and stakeholder theories to the Enron debacle: An ethical perspective (Culpan & Trussel 2005), (Tonge, Greer & Lawton 2003 Vol.12: 1). (Jicking, M 2002).
Analytical and normative ethics
As Enron was getting bigger as a whole company and gaining more profits it started to become more unethical with its principles with little morals about the company and how it was built upon. Executives in Enron throughout the company breaching conditions of the conflict of interest.
Throughout the growing size of the business Enron’s actions were morally wrong betraying there own stakeholders and employees. In no moral point of view can