The biomechanics of a movement is slightly different to the physiological principles of it. The biomechanics of a movement, is how the forces acting upon an object effects the way the object moves. (FIGURE 1) For example in my movement, the baseball pitch, in the wind up stage of the pitch, the forces acting upon the body is causing hip and knee flexion which results in the knee and hip coming into contact with the chest. Whereas the physiological principles is working out what causes the forces to occur and happen. (FIGURE 2) If we ask why the pitcher raised his knee to his chest, it would be due to the hamstrings and gluteus maximus contracting it will cause the lower part of the leg to pivot on the knees …show more content…
(FIGURE 3) All the stages must be completed in order and with correct timings and also technique. If the ball is thrown incorrectly repetitively then the pitcher may injure himself, a common injury is a rotator cuff tear. The rotator cuff is a group of 4 muscles, which attaches the top of the humours to the glenoid socket. Too much stress or throwing the ball incorrectly can lead to partial tears and also swelling in the tendons. (FIGURE 4) In the wind up the force causes the hip, ball and socket joint, and knee, synovial joint, flexion. The hamstring and gluteus maximus cause the movement and the quadriceps is the antagonist muscle, at this stage the pitcher has one leg in the air, his centre of gravity and his line of gravity is directly over his back foot because that is where his base of support is and he doesn’t want to lose balance. (FIGURE 5) He also brings his arms into his body, using the deltoid and the latissimus dorsi, which is an adduction …show more content…
To do this the front leg is straightened, the movement is knee extension caused by quadriceps and also hamstrings. This causes a build up of torque in the core, due to the amount that the shoulder and hip is separated. (FIGURE 7) There is also maximum external rotation in the arm, it is in a fully cocked back position, which is caused by the deltoid muscle and there is rotation about the should ball and socket joint. The throwing arm is also flexed at the elbow to prepare it for the maximum rotation about the shoulder it is flexed at the biceps brachii and tricep