Major course assessment in Empirical Banking, Summer Term 2012, University of Constance; Lecturer: Prof. Moshe Kim
By: Kerstin King Daniel Boss Enrique R. Perezyera B.
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations.......................................................................................................................... III List of Tables...................................................................................................................................... IV 1. 2. Introduction................................................................................................................................. 1 Rationale for Bank Regulation.................................................................................................. 1 2.1. Monetary and Financial Stability....................................................................................... 2 2.2. Efficient and Competitive Financial System ......................................................................2 2.3. Consumer and Depositor Protection.................................................................................. 3 Basel I........................................................................................................................................... 3 3.1. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision ................................................................. 3 3.2. Capital Measures and Credit Risk (Weights)..................................................................... 4 3.3. Criticism............................................................................................................................. 7 Basel II......................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1. Pillar I: Minimum Capital Requirements ........................................................................... 8 4.2.
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