Risk Impact of Global Communications
Sarah S. Smith
Ohio Christian University
December 31, 2014
Introduction(Should have no heading)
¶Technological developments provide companies the ability to communicate efficiently with remote locations, both domestic and internationally. Effective organizational communication must provide the ability to reduce the distance between people, increase timeliness of interactions, and provide a medium that efficiently transfers knowledge (Javaligi, Radulovich, Pendleton, & Scherer, 2005). However, communication efforts must align with corporate goals and global efforts to maximize benefits from accepting risk associated with expansion efforts (Ernst & Young, 2006).
Communication Methods (Should be bold using level 1 heading)
¶Before discussing the methods used for effective communication, a definition of business communication and its goal is necessary. Business communication involves the exchange of information through a shared methodology (Huang & Kleiner, 2005). The goal of this exchange is efficiency of the transference of knowledge (Kameda, 2005). When determining appropriate methods of communications, factors of culture, diversity, and changing technologies need considered (Huang & Kleiner).
Internet(Should be centered, bold and not italicized)
¶The internet crosses borders and allows global participation (Singh, Zhao, & Hu, 2005). Through the internet and corporate websites, global access is available to companies of all sizes, providing the ability to communicate easily across time zones (Javalgi, Radulovich, Pendleton, & Scherer, 2005). While some website standardization is acceptable, content modification for country and cultural differences maximizes communication effectiveness, increasing the ease of using the site (Singh et al.). However, the company must still strive for organization and product consistency of