October 2003
Copyright © 2003 University of Delaware. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage or profit and that the material duplicated is attributed to Information Technologies, University of Delaware. To copy otherwise or to republish requires specific permission and a fee.
Basic HTML 2
Now that you have mastered the basics of HTML, you might want to add some excitement to your Web pages using color and graphic backgrounds. You might also want to organize your information with more complex links, columns and tables, to collect information through use of a guestbook form, or include a clickable image.
To take this class, you must understand HTML basics and have experience using
HTML tags, such as those for headings and paragraphs, to create simple Web documents. Note: This tutorial is designed to be used at the Pearson Hall Training Center
(Room 116) on PCs running Windows XP. The exercises may not work identically elsewhere.
Conventions used in this document
The following conventions are used throughout the exercises in this document:
Document conventions
Keyboard keys
Text you can replace
italicized letters
Text you type
mixed-case letters
(typewriter font)
All exercises are labeled as “Exercise” and are set off from the instructional text by horizontal rules.
Resources for learning more about the Web and HTML
There are many good online resources with information about preparing documents for the Web, including HTML tutorials, style guides, editors, and other tools. You can find them at http://www.udel.edu/ideacenter/.
Information Technologies
Basic HTML 2
Class objectives
In this class, you will continue to prepare