Grade 3
Shooting Lesson
Equipment for 30 students * 30 basketballs
50 Minute Lesson
PASS Standards
Psychomotor- TSWBAT shoot the ball with eyes on the goal, feet shoulder width apart facing the goal, following through making the shot 7 out of 10 tries from the free throw line.
Cognitive- TSWBAT compare and contrast two similarities and differences between left and right handed layups orally with 90% accuracy.
Affective- TSWBAT participate fully in shooting lesson by wearing court shoes, showing good sportsmanship and following directions with 100% accuracy.
Introductory Activity (5 minutes)
Each child has a partner about equal in ability. Under control, one partner runs, dodges, and tries to lose the other, who must stay within 3 feet of the runner. On signal, both stop. Chasers must be able to touch their partners to say they have marked them. Partners then change roles.
Introduction (2 minutes)
We will be starting our basketball unit today. Someone name the most important role in basketball in which you score but raise your hand before you answer. Yes Alex, it is shooting. Today we will be learning the proper technique of a good shot.
Introduce skill be verbalizing cues and demonstrating (2 minutes)
When we shoot good body position is important. Focus on the front of the rim and as the shot starts cock the wrist and be sure to follow through to give the ball correct spin. Demonstrate this technique.
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BEEF Shooting Drill #1 ( 6 minutes)
Same formation as above.
Okay, you all need to partner up facing each other 10 feet away from each other. Everyone on the left side should have a ball. When I say balance you are all going to bend your knees and make sure your feet are shoulder width apart. Next, I will say elbow and your elbow should be at a 90 degree